
Welcome to the Triton College Mathematics Department Web site! This department consists of credit level mathematics courses at Triton College, which is Mat 101 and above. Any courses below the 100-level reside in the College Readiness Department.



"The mission of the Triton College Mathematics Department is to provide excellent mathematics education to a diverse student population at Triton College. To achieve this goal, the department will provide students quality instructors and an environment conducive to learning. Instruction is intended to prepare students for college level work, as needed, and to provide coursework which will meet the needs of career preparation, the statewide requirements of General Education, and the first two years of a baccalaureate mathematics curriculum."


Please note: Math courses below the 100-level (045, 055, 080, 085, 096) reside in the College Readiness Department. If you have any questions or concerns regarding those courses, please contact the College Readiness Department.

Online Mathematical Courses

The Triton College Math Department offers many credit-level math courses in an online format. Here is some important information about our online classes:

  • MyMathLab/MyStatLab. All of our credit level online classes utilize Pearson's MyMathLab or MyStatLab. This give students the lower-cost option of purchasing an access code rather than a traditional textbook. Having the code gives students full access to the course materials, including a digital version of the textbook.
  • Communication. Students will likely be communicating directly with their instructors via email. This is critical, because as of summer 2017, your Triton College email is your primary means of communicating with the college, including with instructors. Many instructors send out detailed information about the course, MyMathLab, login instructions, etc. Students must be sure to check their Triton email. Students are given Triton email address automatically upon registration for any class at Triton. Check that email early and often! 
  • Trips to campus. All of our credit-level online math courses require two trips to campus; one for a midterm exam and one for a final exam. Both exams are to be taken on campus in the Testing Center's proctored environment. Exams are NOT given online outside of campus, and there are no exceptions to this. Details of this will come from your individual instructor. 
  • Out of town students. Students taking online courses who are out of town or not near Triton's main district campus, must make arrangements for live, proctored testing of exams in their area. To do so, students must contact their instructor at the start of the course or earlier. Instructor will give students further guidance on that process.
  • Deadlines. Our online math courses are all deadline driven. They allow students to work at their own pace, and even work ahead, but within the construct of strict timelines. This is not an independent study format where students simply have to complete everything by the end of the semester. That does not work in mathematics.

If you have any questions about whether or not to take an online math class, we have several experienced online math instructors. Contact your instructor with questions.

Placement Test Math Review Sessions

Brush up on your skills before taking the ACCUPLACER math placement test and potentially save time and money during your academic journey at Triton College! This FREE session lasts about five hours and you may stay for the entire session or any part of it. No advance registration is necessary.

  • First hour will focus on basic mathematics
  • Second hour will focus on elementary algebra
  • Third hour will focus on geometry
  • Fourth hour will focus on intermediate algebra
  • Fifth hour will focus on word problems

Saturday review sessions are held starting at 9 a.m. and ending at 2 p.m. on the following dates:

  • No sessions scheduled at this time

Several other ways are available to help you review for the placement test.

View diagram of Math Course Pathways.

If you have any questions regarding this review session, please feel free to contact:
Tina Mote
College Readiness Mathematics Instructor
Office: Building A, Room: A-105C
Office Phone: (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3494


Almost all instructors require students to utilize the MyMathLab software that accompanies the course textbook.

This software product allows students to get help online and via telephone as they do their work. The MyMathLab site provides video support, a copy of the textbook, sample tests for each chapter with immediate feedback, practice exercises, as well as numerous opportunities for explanation and math assistance while they are working on their exercises.

In addition, students can access their grade online and know exactly how they are doing in their math class.



Triton's main source for help in math is the Academic Success Center. Many math department faculty work in the tutoring center. We highly recommend spending at least two hours a week in the tutoring center. The Math Zone, located in A-112, also has computers where you may work on MyMathLab or Aleks. The link gives the hours and location.

If you are a current student, your professor may have office hours, either in his/her office or in his/her classroom. Take advantage of those open times to get help. We are here to serve you.

Why Study Mathematics?

"Mathematics touches upon so many topics and segments of our daily lives. By studying math, you can gain a unique perspective on our ever-changing world and discover that you may already know more about math than you think.Glenn Jablonski
"Math is used every day in almost every field imaginable. Whenever you measure portions while cooking, balance your checkbook, or figure out how much to tip, you are using math." Shelley Tiwari
"Math has allowed humanity to advance technologically. Math is all around us. Even if you don't use specific formulas from your math class in your career, learning math will make you a better person because you will be able to think more logically.Christyn Senese
"Studying math works your brain. Working your brain makes you smarter. Therefore, studying math makes you smarter.Cynthia Harris
"It is a wonderful life long process to improve your critical thinking skills. Your organizational and logical capabilities will be dramatically enhanced and you may learn a little bit about numbers too.Ellen O'Connell
"The study of mathematics develops problem solving skills that are needed in every facet of life.Pat Hussey
"Math is the foundation of science and it enhances critical thinking skills, which are helpful in every sphere of life.Lucyna Galusza
"Mathematics is in every nook and cranny of our daily lives. Studying math will make you better at teaching, programming, shopping, banking, home accounting, and so much more. Studying math will keep you aware of changes in our universe. Indeed, studying mathematics is the beat of the human heart.Tuan Dean
"Studying mathematics develops analytical skills and the ability to work in a problem solving environment.Ansamma Antony
"Even if a person does not use math extensively in a career, math literacy is necessary to be an effective citizen. For example; you need to know the difference between a million and a billion to understand discussions of government budgets and deficits. In your personal life, math literacy can help you evaluate claims of various health care nostrums and avoid being hoodwinked by unscrupulous financial advisors.Roger Affleck
"Because math is all around us. Using an excel spreadsheet requires math. You need math to do your yearly taxes, shop or balance your checkbook.Jeffrey Zolek
"It is brain teasing fun.Viola Vajdova

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Faculty Advice On How To Succeed In Mathematics

"Succeeding in Math requires time and effort. This starts with going to every class and continuing to work outside of the classroom. make use of the resources available to you; this includes your instructor and your classmates.Glenn Jablonski
"Ask questions! Actively participate in the classroom and if you see yourself lagging behind, seek help right away. Also, practice, practice and practice.Shelley Tiwari
"Practice makes perfect. Math is a challenging subject that requires dedication, determination and effort. If you strive to do your best, you can do it.Christyn Senese
"Always appear in class. Ask lots of questions and practice your skills. Use every service offered and it will become easier each day.Ellen O'Connell
"Stay focused in class, take notes, attempt all homework problems, ask questions. Take 10 minutes before each class to look over your notes from the last class. When you study or do homework, talk out loud. Hearing your own voice helps you retain what you are studying.Pat Hussey
"Learn by doing, so practice, practice, even if you feel that you understand, practice more. Make connections between new material and ideas that have already been covered. Learn by teaching others, share your ideas and concerns with your classmates.Lucyna Galusza
"Mathematics is something we interact with rather than reading it. Therefore, we ask pertinent questions, seek out solutions seasonably and process the education of math while using math regularly.Tuan Dean
"Math is like a sport. As with a sport, you need to practice math by doing the homework.Ansamma Antony
"Read the textbook; most of them are clearly written. While you are reading, copy all the examples on scratch paper and make sure you follow the reasoning by filling in all the omitted details. Do your homework in short half hour secessions; don't try to do a long assignment all in one sitting. Ask for help in the Math Tutoring Zone or elsewhere if anything is unclear. Most important: don't start an assigned section of the book until you thoroughly understand the previous sections.Roger Affleck
"Do all the homework, study for quizzes and exams. If you have trouble understanding something, see your instructor or a tutor in the Math Lab before it's too late.Jeffrey Zolek
"If you really get stuck, don't give up. Put the problem aside- in the next hour, the solution may suddenly strike you.Viola Vajdova
"Be a perfectionist. always check problems on a test twice.William McKenzie

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What is a Transferable Program?

What is the General Education Core Curriculum?

Will my credits transfer?

How can Transfer Services help me?

To Top.

Contact Information

If you have questions about admissions to credit mathematics classes (101 and above), changes, or complaints, please contact the Department Chair.

Faculty and Staff

David Bowen
Department Chair
Tenured Faculty
Office: E-225
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3345

Beth Dunn
Tenured Faculty
Office: E-229
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3273

Joseph Dusek, Ph. D.
Tenured Faculty
Office: E-227
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3282

Brian Hayes
Tenured Faculty
Office: E-230
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3964

Glenn Jablonski
Tenured Faculty
Office: E-226
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3961

Myrna La Rosa
Tenured Faculty
Office: E-228
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3729

Selma Mehmedagic
Full-Time Faculty
Office: E-229
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3963

Patrice Prentis
Tenured Faculty
Office: J-230
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3425

Christyn Senese
Tenured Faculty
Office: J-230
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3941

Nora Sosa
Technical Assistant
Office: E-224
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3396

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Adjunct Faculty

Roger Affleck
Adjunct Faculty
Mathematics Department
Office: A-112 (Math Zone)

Vica Alexandru
Adjunct Faculty
Mathematics Department

John Baliga
Adjunct Faculty
Mathematics Department

Sonja Cristoltean
Adjunct Faculty
Mathematics Department

Shawna Gallagher
Adjunct Faculty
Mathematics Department

Lucyna Galusza
Adjunct Faculty
Mathematics Department

Patricia Hussey
Adjunct Faculty
Mathematics Department

William McKenzie
Adjunct Faculty
Mathematics Department

Dan Pellegrini
Adjunct Faculty
Mathematics Department

Jorge Rodriguez-Florido
Adjunct Faculty
Mathematics Department

Ghazi Sarhan, Ph. D.
Adjunct Faculty
Mathematics Department

Samira Sarkes
Adjunct Faculty
Mathematics Department

Michael Scipione
Adjunct Faculty
Mathematics Department

Steven Zeier
Adjunct Faculty
Mathematics Department

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