Foward! To the Moon! (Evening Feature Film)

  • Date
    Saturday, November 30, 2024
  • Time
    7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Location
    Cernan Earth and Space Center (I Building)
  • Admission
    Adults: $8, Seniors (55 and over): $4, Children (2-12): $4, Triton College Students, Faculty & Staff with Current Semester ID: FREE, All Other High School or College with Student ID: $4


Introduces NASA’s efforts to send both humans and robots to the Moon and Mars.

NASA’s 21st century Artemis program, named after the Greek moon Goddess and twin of Apollo, is the next step in our mission to explore the universe and land the first woman and person of color on the surface of the Moon. 

Kari Byron, from Crash Test World and MythBusters, launches us on a journey beyond Earth toward a sustainable future in space.

Click HERE for more information.