September 22, 2018

RSVP Volunteers Clip Coupons for Overseas Military Personnel

Photograph of Triton College RSVP volunteers participating in a coupon clipping party
Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) volunteers clip coupons to be sent to military families stationed overseas.

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) volunteers at Triton College have been clipping manufacturers’ coupons for the past year to help military families stationed overseas save money.

“We started this project on Sept. 11, 2017, in recognition of the National Day of Service and Remembrance,” said Kay Frey, RSVP director. “Since then, we have had volunteers drop off their coupons they find in the Sunday newspapers and we have held several coupon clipping parties at our office.”

Since September 2017, the program has sent more than 82,500 coupons to military families with the potential savings of $167,980. RSVP volunteers collect manufacturers’ coupons by dates.

“They can use expired coupons so we even collect coupons that are 2 months old,” Frey said.

RSVP has mailed the coupons to Support Our Troops, located in Daytona, Fla., which distributes the coupons to military families across the seas who use them in commissaries. RSVP has received a thank you from Support Our Troops, stating, “The time and effort you continue to put toward this enduring program is greatly appreciated! These coupons reach countless hands of grateful military members, families and children that have expressed how exponentially helpful it is receiving coupons from citizens like you.”

The RSVP volunteers have donated more than 400 hours of service in collecting and clipping these coupons all the while helping out military personnel and their families stationed in other countries. To find out how you can help, call the RSVP office at (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3603, or email