September 28, 2018
Triton College Celebrates Adult Education and Family Literacy Week

Brenda Morales is a living example of what can be achieved with the help of adult education programs offered by community colleges across the country.
Morales, who came to the United States from her native Mexico, completed both the English as a Second Language (ESL) and High School Equivalency (GED, HiSET, TASC) programs offered through Triton College’s Adult Education Department.
She was the featured speaker at Triton’s kickoff celebration of Adult Education and Family Literacy Week, Sept. 24-30.
“The day that I received my GED changed my life,” she told the group of Triton College students, faculty and staff gathered for the event. “Because that day, I realized that there is a world full of opportunities out there. We just need to make the decision to take advantage of those opportunities and work with them.”
Morales plans on pursuing a nursing degree at Triton College, after receiving two scholarships that will help her reach her academic and professional goals.
In celebrating National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week, Triton is joining other schools and organizations to heighten public awareness, strengthen alliances, leverage resources, and increase understanding of the vital role that adult education and family literacy plays in our nation’s well-being.
Triton’s Dean of Adult Education Jacqueline Lynch welcomed the group in several languages, before stressing Triton’s commitment to supporting Adult Ed students in their pursuit of their American dream.
“Whether you were born in the United States or in another country, making a better life for you and for your family is the American Dream. We are here to help you get the skills to make that happen,” Lynch said.
According to Proliteracy, the nation’s largest adult literacy and basic education membership organization, there are more than 36 million American adults who struggle to read, write or use technology above a third-grade level. The organization’s research shows that children of parents with low literacy skills are likely to struggle in school, display behavioral problems, develop health problems and have difficulties finding employment.
Triton College President Mary-Rita Moore emphasized the important role of adult education programs for the communities within Triton’s district.
“Adult Education will continue to be among the educational programs that we support and we support each one of you as you continue your journey at Triton College,” she told the group.
Triton’s Adult Education programs are available to students at no or minimal cost. Students have access to a variety of support services, including completion and transition specialists who help keep students on their chosen path toward enrolling as a credit student at Triton College or entering the workforce.
For more information on Triton College’s Adult Education programs, call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3259 or 3513, or visit the Adult Education Department located in the A Building, Room A-203.