Profile images that give your career the edge.
Let Triton College help you create your own personal brand and learn how to manage your career. The CareerCube is a tool to help you get an edge on employment while improving your educational journey.
A person’s profile is 14x more likely to be found on LinkedIn when using a professional picture1. CareerCube puts you in charge of a high-end studio where you’re in control of the final product. Edit your image onsite or download an app from the CareerCube on your smartphone to work at your convenience. CareerCube is used in the following workshops and programs:
- Career Services (open to college and community members)
- Social Media
- Business Department Certificate courses (open to college and community students)
- Social Media Certificate program
- Workforce Equity Initiative (grant students)
- LinkedIn and Social Media
- Videoconferencing profiles
- Personalizing résumés and cards
- First Year Experience (new students)
- Orientation to Career Services
- Social Media Accounts
To help students and community members make the most of their time and avoid lines, please schedule your appointment online below. It is self-service, but staff are available to assist as needed.
Students/alumni/community residents will have access to the CareerCube whenever our doors are open:
Monday – Thursday: 8am-7pm
Friday: 8am-4pm
1Abbot, L. (2022). 10 tips to take professional LinkedIn profile pictures. Talent Blog.