Vascular Technology in Sonography

Vascular TechnologyThe Diagnostic Medical Sonographer performs diagnostic ultrasound procedures under the supervision of a physician. The sonographer collects essential patient data to aid in diagnosis. The Vascular Technology in Sonography certificate provides an avenue for those already in the diagnostic medical sonography setting to cross train into another specialty. This is done through didactic instruction, laboratory hands on training and practice needed for employment training in vascular technology in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. This advanced certificate will enhance and extend the current skill set of the Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers throughout the community. This will make the individual more marketable in many health care agencies that call for multi-competent practitioners. Employment opportunities are excellent in hospitals, medical centers and other health care agencies.

Complete the MANDATORY application for Triton College.

In addition to fulfilling the selective admission health program requirements, candidates must complete the following general admission requirements:  complete a Triton College application, submit applicable transcripts, take placement exams or demonstrate course equivalency, and complete new student orientation.

Triton College Application

Complete the MANDATORY Selective Admission Application for Health Careers.

Note: Applicants should not apply to the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program until they have successfully completed the prerequisites for the program.

Vascular Technology in Sonography Application

Attendance at an information session is ENCOURAGED in order to apply for admission to this program. By attending an information session, you will learn what is expected of you as an applicant, as well as the functionality of the program. For a list of current information session dates, times and locations, please register through our form below.

Vascular Technology Degree Certificate Information Session



Additional Information

Contact Information

Krysti Reece
Triton Faculty
Office: H-137

Linda Green 
Health Careers Information Specialist 
Office: Room H-133 
708-456-0300, Ext. 3982

Advising & Counseling Departments