College Council

The College Council is an advisory body to the College President that provides multiple viewpoints on college-wide initiatives, including strategic planning, accreditation, and student success. As the College's central shared governance committee, Council members facilitate communication on institutional matters across its represented employee groups.

College Council Goals for FY 2019

1. Mission and Vision Evaluation
Council will engage the campus community in an evaluation of our existing mission and vision statements and propose revised statements based on that evaluation.

2. Higher Learning Commission
Council will monitor the college’s progress regarding opportunities for improvement as noted by the HLC visit team in its report, and will support faculty, staff, departmental areas, and committees in preparing for the focus visit regarding student learning assessment.

3. Engagement
Council will focus on sustaining engagement with the campus community by expanding the coworker connect initiative and establishing best practices for communicating with represented groups. 

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Shared Governance Structure

Shared Governance Model

Shared Governance Process Flow


Operational Assembly

The Operational Assembly is a collegial body concerned with building consensus on issues related to campus operations, facilities, and student services. The Assembly provides guidance to committees within the Business Services division, campus community and student support working groups. The Assembly also assists with the coordination of committee efforts by ensuring cross communication at monthly meetings.

Operational Assembly

Academic Senate

The Academic Senate is a collegial and professional body established by the Faculty Association, the administration, and the Board as the academic committee system of the Faculty Association. It also encompasses other elements of the college in order to promote widespread input into academic decisions. It is concerned with building consensus on those issues which relate to teaching and learning. The Senate reports directly to the College President, and, when appropriate, the Vice Presidents. The Senate committees include Academic and Scholastic Standards, Academic Support, Assessment, Campus Quality, Curriculum, Professional Development, Student Development, and Technology Advisory and Distance Education.

Academic Senate


Committees are active, purpose‐specific advisory bodies that make recommendations to campus departments or the executive team. Committees advise departments on projects articulated within the college’s strategic plan and also make recommendations based on self‐identified initiatives.

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Contact College Council

Mary-Rita Moore
Mary-Rita Moore
Deborah Baness-King
Deborah Baness-King
Student Affairs Rep.
Kevin Li
Academic Rep.
Christopher Clem
Christopher Clem
Faculty Rep.


Dayanne Figueroa
Dayanne Figueroa
Classified Rep.
Michael Flaherty
Michael Flaherty
Faculty Rep/Acad. Senate Chair
Michael Garrity
Mike Garrity
Operational Assembly Chair
Audrey Jonas
Audrey Jonas
Public Affairs Rep.


Hilary Meyer
Hilary Meyer
Mid-Management Rep.
Tom Olson
Tom Olson
Hourly Rep.
Elise Rapala
Elise Rapala
Business Services/Technology Rep


Blank Placeholder
Carlos Garcia Sanchez
Student Rep.
Shelley Tiwari
Shelley Tiwari
Student Success Rep.
Elizabeth Quan Kiu Vazquez
Elizabeth Quan Kiu Vazquez
Adjunct Faculty Rep.
Human Resources Rep.


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Meeting Schedules

The College Council meets on Mondays at 2 p.m. in the Student Center (B-204/210) unless otherwise noted on the agenda.

All College Council meetings are open to all college staff, with the exception of the July planning meeting, which is for College Council members only.

College Council Meeting Schedule, FY 19

College Council Meeting Schedule, FY 18

College Council Meeting Schedule, FY 17

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Shared Governance Committee Assessment

College Council Assessments

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Questions for the College Council?

Contact College Council

Business Services Functional Committee

The purpose of the Business Services Functional Committee is to serve as the primary source of information and expertise about the areas under Business Services. Areas under Business Services include: Finance, Operations and Maintenance, Information Systems, Shipping and Receiving, Police, Foundation, Cernan Space Center, Liaison to Bookstore and Food Service. The Business Services Functional Committee will support the College Council in institutional planning and presidential advising.

Current Business Services Functional Committee Members

Business Services Functional Committee Meeting Schedule

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