Academic Senate

Statement of Purpose

The Triton College Academic Senate is a collegial and professional body established by the Faculty Association, the administration and the Board as the academic committee system of the Faculty Association. It encompasses other elements of the college in order to promote widespread input into academic decisions. It is concerned with building consensus on those issues which relate to teaching and learning. The Senate reports directly to the College President, and, when appropriate, the Vice Presidents. The Senate committees include Academic and Scholastic Standards, Academic Support, Assessment, Campus Quality, Curriculum, Professional Development, Student Development, and Technology Advisory and Distance Education.

Academic Senate Bylaws

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Academic Senate Members

AreaNameTermEmailPhone Ext.
VPCA Dennis McNamara 2017-2019 3597
VPCA Michael Erzen 2017-2019 3225
Assessment Lauren Kosrow 2018-2020 3478
Library Rebecca Fournier 2017-2019 3227
Academic Support Aja Gorham 2018-2020 3421
Social Science Christina Brophy 2018-2020 3549
Behavioral Science Ruth Hallongren 2018-2020 3995
IDS, CIS & Arch Lenier Anderson 2018-2020 3968
Math Serpil Caputlu 2017-2019 3813
Math Beth Dunn 2017-2019 3273
P.E. Julianne Murphy 2017-2019 3087
Science Elizabeth Brindise 2017-2019 3312
Business Geoff Hiller 2017-2019 3385
Nursing Geri Brewer 2018-2020 3926
Nursing Sandra Hughes 2018-2020 3363
Tech East Jacqueline Mullany 2017-2019 3504
Tech East VACANT 2018-2020    
Tech West Christopher Clem 2018-2020 3625
Allied Health Debra Krukowski 2017-2019 3780
Allied Health Pamela Harmon 2018-2020 3480
Counseling Mary Casey-Incardone 2018-2020 3717
Counseling Hector Zavala 2018-2020 3673
Adjunct Faculty Adrian Fisher 2017-2019 3578
Senate Chairperson
--- Michael Flaherty --- 3250
VP/ Academic Affairs Dr. Susan Campos --- 3630
AVP Academic Innovation and Workforce Education Paul Jensen --- 3674
AVP Human Resources Joe Klinger --- 3743
Dean Representative Kevin Li --- 3508
Dean Representative Susan Campos --- 3630
TCSA President Carlos Garcia Sanchez --- 3576
Non-Voting Members
Operational Assembly Michael Garrity --- 3684
Classified Employees Katrina Walters --- 3285
Mid-Managers Hilary Meyer --- 3424

Triton College Academic Senate Meeting Schedules

Triton College Academic Senate Meeting Schedule - AY 2018-2019

Triton College Academic Senate Meeting Schedule - AY 2017-2018

Triton College Academic Senate Meeting Schedule - AY 2016-2017

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Academic Assessment Committee

The Assessment Committee is a sub-committee of the Academic Senate. This page contains an updated handbook and archived information (assessment data from 2007-2016). Moving forward, assessment data and information will be stored in TK-20.

Student Learning Assessment is a means of documenting student learning at Triton College that goes beyond course grades. The purpose of student learning assessment is to bring into sharper focus the accomplishments and/or weaknesses of each program or academic area. The information gathered will be used by faculty members to decide on maintenance or adjustment for their courses or program when deemed necessary. Student learning assessment will also allow the College to become more articulate in its communication efforts to its constituents.

Serve as resources to faculty and consulting body to the Office of Institutional Research in the development and engagement of academic assessment programs.

Board Policy for Assessment of Student Learning

Committee Membership (updated Fall 2016):

  • Nine (9) Full-Time Faculty Members from the following areas:
  • Four (4) from Arts and Sciences
  • Two (2) from Business and Technology
  • One (1) from Health Careers and Public Services Programs
  • One (1) from Counseling
  • One (1) from the Library.
  • Two (2) Adjunct Faculty Members
  • One (1) representative from Research and Institutional Effectiveness
  • One (1) Academic Dean
  • One (1) representative from Adult Education
  • One (1) representative from Continuing Education

For questions regarding assessment, please contact Lauren Kosrow, Academic Assessment Committee Chair, at or (708) 456-0300 Ext. 3478.

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Academic & Scholastic Standards Committee

The Academic and Scholastic Standards Committee is a standing committee of the Academic Senate specifically responsible for reviewing and recommending revisions for academic and collegiate standards. Responsibilities include such functions as reviewing and recommending student academic standards, or policies (e.g. withdrawal requirements, probation and dismissal, academic honesty, "I" grades, credit by exam, etc), or academic and scholastic issues which, in the spirit of shared governance, are appropriate for input from this committee.

The committee will consist of 10 - 16 members representing the following areas:

  • Chair: Co-chairs: One of whom is a member of the Academic Senate
  • 5 - 10 other faculty representatives selected from the following areas:
    • 2 from School of Arts and Sciences
    • 2 from Career Education
    • 1 Counselor
  • 1-2 Student representatives from Phi Theta Kappa and/or the Scholars' Program
  • Administrative representative from School of Arts and Sciences
  • Administrative representative from Careers
  • Administrative representative from Health Careers and Public Service Programs

Representative from Student Affairs
Representative from Financial Aid

Beth Dunn Chairperson & Faculty, Math (V)
Frank Alvino Faculty, Business (V)
D. Lenier Anderson Faculty, Computer (V)
Henry Bohleke Dean, Business and Technology (V)
David Bowen Faculty, Math (V)
Sandy Bowling      Faculty, Nursing Assistant (V)
Gianna Colella Student (V)
Joy Fritz Faculty, Nursing (V)
Denise Jones TRIO (R)
Joe Klein     Faculty, English (V)
Kevin Li Dean, Arts and Science (R)
Victor McCullum Faculty, Sociology (V)
Kent Randall Faculty, Speech (V)
Ric Segovia Associate Dean, College Readiness (V)
TBD   Dean, Enrollment Services (R)
Lance Wilson Faculty, Science (V)
Tracy Wright Faculty, Counseling (V)

(V) = Voting member
(R) = Resource member

A&SS Meeting Schedule

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Academic Support Committee

The Academic Support Committee is a standing committee of the Academic Senate specifically responsible for reviewing and recommending means for improving and enhancing the effectiveness of the academic support services of Triton College.


  1. To study and recommend changes needed in programs, services or policies of academic support programs
  2. To study and recommend changes needed in programs, services or policies in the Library/Learning Resource Center and Academic Success Center
  3. To study and recommend changes needed in programs, services, or policies in counseling and advising relating to academic support.

The committee will consist of members representing the following areas:

  • Chair: The chair of the Academic Support Committee will be a member of Academic Senate, appointed to the chair position by the chair of the Academic Senate
  • Faculty: 7 faculty representatives recommended by the President of the TCFA from the following areas
    • 2 faculty members from Arts & Sciences
    • 1 faculty member from Business & Technology
    • 1 faculty member from Health Career/Public Service Programs
    • 1 librarian
    • 1 counselor

Note: At least one faculty member should be an adjunct.

Representative of the Dean of Academic Success Representative of the Dean of Student Services Representative of one additional Dean.

Robert Connor (

Vice President, Academic Affairs; Vice President, Student Affairs; Member of Information Systems.

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College Curriculum Committee

The College Curriculum Committee (CCC) is a standing committee of the Academic Senate specifically responsible for course/program review. These responsibilities include:

  1. Evaluation of credit course offerings and curricula to insure that they:
    1. Meet the College’s vision, mission core values and objectives and conform to state, accrediting, and licensing body mandates.
    2. Conform to state, accrediting and licensing body mandates
  2. Evaluation of proposals for new/revised/withdrawn courses or new/revised/inactive/reactivated/withdrawn curricula
  3. Planning, developing and projecting degree and certificate programs on a long-term basis

The committee consists of 17 voting members representing the following areas:

  • Chair (a member of the Academic Senate)
  • 10 other full-time faculty representatives from the following areas: 4 from the School of Arts and Sciences, 4 from Career Education representing diverse constituencies, 2 non-teaching faculty (1 Librarian and 1 Counselor)
  • 1 adjunct faculty member
  • 3 academic deans (Arts & Sciences, Business & Technology, Health Careers & Public Service Programs)
  • Dean of Enrollment Services
  • A representative for the Vice President of Academic Affairs

The committee also consists of 2 non-voting, resource members representing the following areas:

  •  A representative from Curriculum & Assessment
  • Recording Secretary

The committee meets once per month during the academic year, typically on the first Thursday.
(1) Spring 2019 College Curriculum Committee Deadlines

Disposition of Items Acted on by the Committee
A copy of all recommendations of the Curriculum Committee are submitted for review to the Academic Senate and to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The recommendations of the Academic Senate, the Vice President for Academic Affairs are submitted to the TCFA as information and to the Board of Trustees for action.

College Curriculum Committee Resources

(2) College Curriculum Handbook (6/2017)

For a current, approved Course Outline, contact Susan Maratto, Curriculum & Assessment Assistant 708-456-0300 at Ext. 3823 or or they can be accessed in the portal at

Download Forms

College Curriculum Committee Minutes

College Curriculum Committee Contact Information
Julianne Murphy
Committee Chair
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3487

Susan Maratto
Curriculum & Assessment Assistant
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3823

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Campus Quality Committee

The Campus Quality is a standing committee of the Academic Senate specifically responsible for reviewing quality of life concerns of Triton students, faculty and staff and recommending solutions that will enhance the quality of life for students, faculty and other Triton employees.

The mission of the Campus Quality Committee is to make recommendations in those areas where a consensus exists on ways to improve the academic, social and physical character of campus life. Campus Quality Committee identifies, analyzes and provides suggested solutions for the challenges and opportunities concerning the quality of campus life for students, faculty and staff. The Campus Quality Committee reports to the Academic Senate.


  • To study the need for new physical facilities and for physical plan modifications.
  • To consider other aspects that affect the ability of Triton faculty and staff to be productive.

Committee is comprised of 12 voting members that include the following

  • Chair: Faculty member of Academic Senate
  • 5 Faculty
    •  Arts & Sciences
    •  Business & Technology
    • Health Career/Public Service
    • Library
    • Counseling
  • 1 Representative Adjunct Faculty
  • 1 Representative from Facilities
  • 1 Representative from Information Services/Systems
  • 1 Representative from Student Affairs/Academic Affairs
  • 1 Representative from Police
  • 1 Student Representative

For questions regarding Campus Quality, please contact Christina Brophy, Campus Quality Committee Chair, at or Ext. 3549.

Christina Brophy (Chair)
Debbie Baness-King
Sandra Berryhill
Bill Decker
Kathi Deresinski
Maria-Tereza Dyer
Jim Ellison
Humberto Espino
Michael Garrity
John Hansen
Dubravka Juraga
Bill Justiz
Gail Krahenbuhl
George Lam
John Lambrecht
Jacqueline Mullany
Adrian Perkins
Jennifer Smith

Campus Quality Committee meeting will be held at 2:30pm, Thursday in G-209 on the following date:

  • April 18, 2019

Upcoming 2019-2020 Campus Quality Committee meetings will be held at 2:30pm, Thursdays on the following dates:

  • September 19, 2019
  • October 17, 2019
  • November 21, 2019
  • Febuary 20, 2020
  • March 26, 2020
  • April 16, 2020

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Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development Committee is a standing committee of the Academic Senate specifically responsible for reviewing and recommending criteria for selection of faculty (criteria currently outlined in the Faculty Recruitment Action Plan, or FRAP) consistent with the purposes of the college and departmental practice, for assisting in the planning of professional development, and for contributing to the establishment of the sabbatical committees and to be a resource for research and development projects.


  • Assisting in the design and planning of in-service educational programs for the faculty and professional staff
  • Promoting faculty community building, and
  • Recognizing outstanding professional achievements by faculty


A Building, Room 105-D
. Online attendance to our monthly meetings is available. The link to join the meetings online will be shared per request. The meeting will be recorded and shared with PDC members.

All meetings are at 2:00pm and last approximately one hour.

Dates and Times:

  • February 19, 2019
  • March 26, 2019
  • April 23, 2019

The committee will consist of no less than 11 members representing the following areas:
Chair: The chair of the Professional Development Committee will be a member of Academic Senate, appointed to the chair position by the chair of the Academic Senate.
Faculty: 8 faculty representatives recommended by the President of the TCFA from the following areas

  • 2 faculty members from Arts & Sciences
  • 2 faculty members from Career Education
  • 3 from either area
  • 1 mid-manager or classified employee
  • 1 non-teaching faculty (counselors, enrollment facilitators, or librarians)
  • 1 adjunct faculty member

Serpil Caputlu

Director of Outstanding Full-Time Faculty Award Selection
Jennifer Giangreco

Director of Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award Selection 
Dr. Richard Chan

Debra Krukowski
Dr. Richard Chan
Elizabeth M. Brindise
Archawee Dhamavasi
Jean M. Dugo
Jennifer Giangrego
Joseph Klein
Roseanne Feltman
Rudy Gostowski
Shelley Tiwari
Kristi G. Reece
Sylvia Sztark
Tina Mote
Tuan Dean
Andrea Blaylock

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Student Development Committee

A standing committee of the Academic Senate will be appointed for the purpose of developing the campus environment as a means of increasing student success.

The Student Development Committee (SDC) is based upon the premise that the more time and effort students invest in the learning process, the greater will be their growth and achievement, their satisfaction with their education experiences, and their persistence in reaching personal, academic, and career goals.

The committee through a consensus-building process, will work toward the development of a campus environment that promotes frequent faculty and student peer interactions, optimal use and awareness of campus resources and facilities, and opportunities for involvement in student clubs and organizations.

The committee will review educational policy and practices, which impact student involvement in learning, and assess academic support services and co-curricular activities to determine the quality of student involvement. The Student Development Committee (SDC) will present its recommendations to the Academic Senate for final action.

The committee will consist of 11 members representing the following areas

  • Chair: A member of the Academic Senate
  • 5 full-time Faculty members
  • 2 Adjunct Faculty members (one representing Adult Education)
  • 2 Student representatives
  • 1 Representative from Enrollment Services (Dean or designee)
  • 1 Representative from Student Services (Dean or designee)
Chair (Faculty): Hector Zavala  
Co-Chair Lauren Kosrow  
Faculty Member Alpha McMath
Faculty Member Gail Krahenbuhl
Faculty Member Gregory Catena
Faculty Member Cheryl Davis
Faculty Member Sandra Berryhill
Faculty Member Joseph Klein  
Adjunct Faculty Samira Sarkes
Adjunct Faculty William Justiz  
Adult Education Adjunct Faculty    
Enrollment Services    
Student Services    
Action Champion Debbie Baness

Contact us via e-mail:

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Technology Advisory Distance Education Committee

TADEC Statement of Purpose:
The Technology Advisory Distance Education Committee (TADEC) is a standing committee of the Academic Senate and engages in discussions and decisions related to the acquisition, maintenance and use of current and future technology for teaching and learning. In addition TADEC will advise, evaluate, review, and develop guidelines for the Triton College Technology Plan and Distance Learning Education Strategic Plan. TADEC makes recommendations on policy that are strategic in nature to promote distance education and support institutional and academic efforts of the College related to the appropriate use of technology.

The committee will consist of 13 voting members representing the following areas:

  • Chair: Faculty member of Academic Senate
  • Assistant Vice President Technology & Innovation
  • 6 Faculty: Representing Arts & Sciences, Business & Technology, Health Career/Public Services, Library and Counseling
  • 1 Representative Adjunct Faculty
  • 1 Representative from Instructional Technology
  • 1 Representative from Information Services/Systems
  • 1 Representative from Continuing Education
  • 1 Student Representative
Chair (Faculty): Pamela Harmon
Faculty Member Pat Knol
Faculty Member Joe Beuchel
Faculty Member Myrna LaRosa
Faculty Member Justyna Koc
Faculty Member Selma Mehmedagic 
Faculty Member Sylvia Sztark
Adjunct Faculty Member OPEN  
Instructional Technology Erin Stapleton-Corcoran
Information Services/Systems Pat Kushino
Continuing Education Patti Shields
AVP Technology & Innovation Humberto Espino
Student OPEN  
Mid-Manager Hilary Meyer (Non-Voting Member)

 TADEC Committee Bylaws

Meetings Information:
All meetings are open to the campus community. The Technology Advisory & Distance Ed Committee meets on a regular basis to consider action items from the previous meeting as well as new items.

Requests to place items on the agenda are communicated to the chair at least one week prior to the meeting date. New business can be introduced and considered when appropriate. Agenda and Meeting notes are kept and posted in the TADEC site.

TADEC meetings convene on the first Wednesday of every month at 2:00 PM.  Meeting locations are subjected to change due to room availability.  Please continue to follow the schedule for room accuracy.

TADEC Meeting Minutes

TADEC Assessment: 2018-2019

TADEC Assessment: 2017-2018

TADEC Assessment: 2016-2017

Contact us via e-mail:

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